Can Agarwal Correct Twitter’s Course?

Captain Parag Agarwal is Twitter's new pilot.  Will his astute intelligence, combined with AI at his disposal, rescue the microblogging platform or fly a kamikaze mission?

Twitter CEO, Jack Dorsey, stepped down from the role this week to give more attention to his other business, Square. Dorsey's stepping down has raised many questions about the direction Twitter will take now. Will it completely morph into the leftist echo chamber as many perceive it to be today? Or will the platform continue to be a battlefield for political ideologies between the "right" and the "left"?

The company website proclaims that Twitter is an "open service that's home to a world of diverse people, perspectives, ideas, and information." But, since its launch in 2006, the short messaging service has shortchanged a significant chunk of American people by failing to promote diverse perspectives or even offer space to air them.

The microblogging and social networking service's user base is mainly American, with an audience reach of over 77.7 million. But, Twitter faces many challenges.

First is the lopsided composition of its users. The Investor’s Business Daily/TIPP Poll completed in early November showed that 33% of conservatives, 31% of moderates, and 42% of liberals use the messaging service.  Based on political affiliation, 40% among Democrats, 27% of Republicans, and 34% of independents use the site.