China's Efforts To Brush Uyghur Genocide Under The Carpet

The world was appalled to hear of the Chinese government's systematic oppression and ill-treatment of the minority Uyghur Muslim population in the Xinjiang region. It is estimated that about 12 million Uyghurs live in China. The American administration has stated that the ongoing crimes against humanity and oppression of the ethnic people of Xinjiang amount to genocide.

Human rights activists, international organizations including the Amnesty International, and international media outlets have reported, based on multiple eyewitness accounts and verifiable data, that the Chinese government is running detention centers under the guise of "vocational training and "re-education" facilities and have imprisoned about one million Uyghurs. The ethnic people are being tortured, interrogated for supposed crimes, used as forced labor, and subjected to sexual assault, forced sterilizations, and abortions.