Comer: FBI Faces Contempt Charges Over Biden's Alleged Bribery Scheme - Video

According to Congressman Comer, the FBI has again refused to hand over the unclassified record to the House Oversight Committee. As a result, Congressional Contempt of Congress hearings are scheduled for Thursday, aiming to investigate the FBI's handling of bribery allegations. The focus of the probe is the agency's conduct about Vice President Biden's alleged involvement in a criminal bribery scheme.

Here's the transcript:

FBI officials confirmed that the unclassified FBI-generated record has not been disproven and is currently being used in an ongoing investigation. The confidential human source who provided information about then Vice President Biden being involved in a criminal bribery scheme is a trusted, highly credible informant who has been used by the FBI for over ten years and has been paid over six figures.

These are facts, and no amount of spin and, frankly, lies from the White House or Congressional Democrats can change this information. At the briefing, the FBI again refused to hand over the unclassified record to the custody of the House Oversight Committee, and we will now initiate Contempt of Congress hearings this Thursday.

Given the severity and complexity of the allegations contained within this record, congress must investigate further. Americans have lost trust in the FBI's ability to enforce the law impartially and demand answers, transparency, and accountability.

The investigation is not dead. This is only the beginning.