I&I/TIPP Poll: Americans Blame Biden, Not Big Business, For Inflation And Supply-Chain Chaos

Americans are making their lists, checking them twice, and finding that Washington politicians have been naughty, not nice, when it comes to the U.S.' growing inflation problem and its supply-chain chaos. Indeed, the November I&I/TIPP Poll shows Americans overwhelmingly blame our Washington-based political class for the current problems.

The poll asked: "In general, how responsible are politicians in Washington for recent increases in gasoline and food prices?" The answer suggests coal (or perhaps tiny solar panels?) in many politicians' stockings this year: 69% of those responding to the poll said politicians were responsible, while just 21% said they weren't.

Perhaps the most surprising result comes from looking at the political breakdown. There is little, if any, difference between Democrats (71%), Republicans (73%) and independents/others (68%). Finally, something on which all the major parties can agree,