I&I/TIPP Poll: Americans Give Biden Failing Marks For Leadership

Issues & Insights and its polling partner, TIPP, recently wrote (here and here) that only 42% of Americans believe President Biden is "mentally sharp," while 50% said he wasn't. But other I&I/TIPP data from our same November poll show Biden's problems with how average Americans perceive him and his leadership go far deeper than that.

These numbers clearly show that, across a broad swath of the American electorate, Biden has serious issues, with many no longer thinking he has the main common attributes for being a good or competent leader.

We asked those responding their level of "agreement or disagreement with the following descriptions of President Joe Biden." The proposed descriptions included "Energetic," "Unifier," "Inspires confidence," "Good communicator," and "Trustworthy."

In none of those questions did Biden get either an overall majority or even a plurality of voters who agreed with the positive descriptions.