Kaelan Dorr: We Can’t Trust Kamala To Secure The Border

By Kaelan Dorr via The Daily Caller News Foundation | September 27, 2024

After nearly four years of neglect, Vice President Kamala Harris has finally decided, for purely political reasons, to visit our broken Southern border.

She has allowed millions of unvetted individuals, including terrorists, to flood into our country at unprecedented levels and then insults the American people with a publicity stunt less than 40 days before the election.

As she tries to rewrite history, let us not forget that this is the vice president whose administration has let millions of unvetted people from unknown places into our nation, resulting in violent crimes in our communities and chemical warfare on our young people, with deadly fentanyl trafficked through Mexico and poisoning Americans at a historic rate. Every state is now a border state.

Her visit to the border means she’s in hot water. As vice president, she laughed when asked why she wouldn’t visit the border, saying she hasn’t visited Europe either — making a mockery of the national security threat unfolding, threatening the sovereignty of our nation. But now, new polling reveals securing the southern border is a top priority for Americans, and so she flip-flops yet again right before our eyes. (RELATED: BOB UNANUE AND JORGE MARTINEZ: Hispanics Leading The Way In The America First Movement)

Polling shows that Americans believe former President Donald Trump will do a better job handling immigration, with him having a ten-point lead over Harris. Over half of Americans support Trump’s mass deportation plan, the same plan Harris has repeatedly mocked on the campaign trail. Voters are right to not trust Kamala to secure our border.

Under her failed leadership, U.S. Customs and Border Protection has had more than 10 million encounters with migrants. But the most concerning part of the Biden-Harris border crisis is that they don’t know how many “gotaways” are here today, living in the shadows having escaped Border Patrol detection. Harris continues to look the other way as violent gangs clinch their grips on our communities. This is negligence at the highest levels.

Across the nation, we are seeing the devastating impacts of this crisis impacting every pocket of the country, through dangerous gang takeovers of American housing complexes to violent attacks on Americans that have left families in shambles and deadly fentanyl pouring through our borders that’s poisoning and killing young Americans.

As she tries to gaslight the American people, claiming she will address the border crisis she created, we won’t forget the past four years, and we won’t forget her radical record.

This photoshoot in Arizona won’t erase the fact that she has publicly advocated for the decriminalization of illegal border crossings and backs taxpayer-funded healthcare coverage for illegal immigrants, including coverage for gender transition surgeries. She continues to advertise to immigrants with the message that once they get here, she will take care of them, hoping it will pay off at the ballot box in the future. Harris endorses “sanctuary cities” and has used our taxpayer dollars to fly and bus illegal migrants to cities across the country. She supports mass amnesty for the millions of undocumented immigrants she’s let into our country. Additionally, as a senator, Harris led a letter urging the Appropriations Committee to “reject President Trump’s proposal for funding to hire new Border Patrol personnel at this time.”

Harris has a long history of opposition to border security measures and for open border policies.  She even compared the brave men and women who serve as ICE agents to the KKK and said that images of Border Patrol agents “evoked slavery.”

She has made a career out of bad decisions around our national security, calling Trump’s border wall a waste of taxpayer money, a vanity project, unnecessary, and un-American.

In contrast, as president, Trump built about 450 miles of border wall and implemented strict immigration policies, including the “Remain in Mexico” policy, which required asylum seekers to wait in Mexico while their claims were processed. Now, he promises to finish the job of securing the border and mass deport millions of illegal aliens.

Time and time again, Harris sided with illegal aliens over American citizens.

The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not reflect the official position of the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Kaelan Door served as Chief Marketing Officer for President Donald Trump’s 2020 re-election campaign. Prior to that, he served as a U.S. Treasury and White House official in the Trump Administration. He was also on the 2016 Trump Campaign.

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