Media Chorus: No One Is Above The Law - Video

Prominent media figures reiterate the fundamental principle of American justice: "No one is above the law."

STEPHANOPOULOS: “The idea that no person is above the law is a bedrock principle of American justice.”
BRZEZINSKI: “Now man as above the law, no matter what the crime.”
SCARBOROUGH: “And I agree with you, no man is above the law, no person is above the law.”
PENCE: “No one is above the law. (...) No one is above the law. (...) No one’s above the law. (...) No one is above the law.”
VANCE: “No man is above the law.”
WILLIAMS: “Nobody is above the law.”
NOBLES: “No one is above the law.”
BRZEZINSKI: “No man is above the law.”
ROBINSON: “He has to be held accountable. He is not above the law.”
MELBER:” No one is above the law. (...) Neither that or any other title put you above the rule of law.”
HOLDER: “No one is truly above the law.”
WEISSMANN: “That is what it means to have a rule of law. That is what it means to not have a king.”
UNKNOWN: “They’re not above the law.”
UNKNOWN: “Nobody is above the law.”
WEISSMANN: “Everyone will be treated, as Merrick Garland has said, equally.”
KATYAL: “No one is above the law, which is foundational.”
COOPER: “No one is above the law, even a former president.”
Smith: “We have one set of laws in this country and they apply to everyone.”
TAPPER: “No one is above the law.”
UNKNOWN: “The law is a law, and no one should be about it.”
HURD: “Yes, nobody is above the law.”
RASKIN: “No one is above the law.”
PHANG: “No one else is above the law, including a president.”
CRUMP: “Nobody is above the law. Can’t have two justice systems in America, there has to be one justice system, and anybody who breaks the law should be held accountable.”
Goldman: “And that no one is above the law.”
UNKNOWN: “No one is above the law, and our president is not above the law.”
HOSTIN: “I always thought that this country, that no one was above the law, especially the president.”