Sullivan Denies Involvement In Ukraine-Biden Corruption Scandal: Video

In a White House press conference on Monday, Jake Sullivan, the national security adviser, denied any involvement when asked if he had been part of a corrupt influence peddling operation involving the Biden family in Ukraine or any other country.

Video: Sullivan Denies Involvement In Ukraine-Biden Corruption Scandal

Reporter: “On Ukraine, I wanted to give you an opportunity to respond. The former White House stenographer this month outed you as an anonymous senior administration official who briefed reporters on Air Force Two en route to Ukraine in 2014. He says that you spoke about giving aid to the Ukrainian national gas industry just days after the first — second son had secretly joined the board that guy Ukrainian gas company. He says he considers you part of the corrupt influence peddling conspiracy and he wants to testify to Delaware grand jury about it. Do you have a response to that, and were you part of the corrupt influence peddling operation involving Biden family in Ukraine or any other country?”