Who Do You Believe On Where It Came From?

Stories, speculations, and hypotheses fly thick regarding the origins of the Coronavirus and the actual cause of the Covid-19 outbreak. While there is smoke enough to suggest a fire, it is as yet too early to pin the blame on any entity.

A TIPP Poll conducted in late May asked a cross-section of Americans which sources they trusted the most when it came to information regarding the origin of the Coronavirus. It is heartening to note that Americans are clear about who they trust and have chosen wisely, despite the partisan debates and raging rhetoric.

We asked our survey participants to rate six entities to the question, "How much trust do you put in the opinions of the following entities when it comes to the origin of coronavirus?" The answer choices were A lot of trust, quite a bit of trust, little trust, no trust at all, and not sure.

The combined share of respondents who say a lot of trust or quite a bit of trust reads: