Winds Of Change On The Horizon

New Jersey Offshore Wind Farm To Power Half-Million Homes By 2024!

The first industrial-scale wind farm will soon be going up approximately fifteen miles off the coast of southern New Jersey and promises to deliver 1,100 MW of pollution-free electricity in just a few years.  It will be the first of several offshore wind farms as the state of New Jersey has committed to a goal of 7,500 MW of offshore wind energy by 2035.  Ocean Wind, as this first project is known, will give New Jersey an early lead in the field of offshore wind generation.  And, that is important, because not that many states have both - access to a coastline and the population density to take advantage of the energy generated with minimal transmission losses.

Key players in Ocean Wind will be PSE&G (Public Service Gas & Electric) and Orsted.  Orsted is a Danish company and is widely recognized as the leader in offshore wind generation with more than 30 years of experience in the field. Their expertise is truly global. They operate the very first offshore wind farm in the U.S., at Block Island off the Rhode Island coast.