Americans' Belief In God Increases With Age: Newsmax/TIPP Poll

With Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa less than a fortnight away, most of us are busy planning holiday travel and festive menus. The season of festivities and family get-togethers also prompts many to reflect on the year that is drawing to a close.

The zeal and determination with which Americans embrace the festive spirit and maximize holiday cheer, despite budget-upsetting prices and political bickering, point to something much more profound and stronger than a mere excuse to shop and feast – faith.

According to a recent nationwide Newsmax/TIPP Poll of 1,378 adults, a clear majority, 77%, believe in God. Not surprising in a nation where 'In God We Trust' is the official motto. A small fraction, 15%, did not believe in a higher power. 

Faith and religion continue to guide Americans in their daily lives. For 70% of survey respondents, religion is an "important" part of their life, of which 45% hold their faith as "very important." The demographics posting above-average scores are:

  • 86% Conservatives
  • 82% Republicans
  • 82% Blacks
  • 79% South
  • 75% Rural
  • 75% Married women
  • 75% $30K-$50K income
  • 73% Age 45-64 years
  • 73% Seniors

But, 17% said that religion is "not at all important" to them. The share of non-religious, non-believers, and atheists has been slowly growing over the years. The reasons for the change span a broad spectrum, ranging from generational shifts, scandals, and controversies that have plagued religious institutions, opposition to dogmatic doctrines, and changing moral and social values. Calls for inclusion and exposure to different ideologies and faiths have also drawn people away from organized religions, which are often perceived as narrow or exclusive.

To the question, "To what extent, if any, do you believe there is a connection between the decline of religion in the United States and the influence of woke culture, socialism, or similar ideologies in our educational institutions?" 56% of survey participants perceived a "great/moderate" link. But, one-third, or 32%, saw "little or no connection" linking the influence of such factors to the decline in religious faith. The rest were unsure.

Interestingly, 75% of Republicans and 76% of conservatives felt that the influence of woke culture, socialism, or similar ideologies in our educational institutions was to blame for the decline in religion. Furthermore, 60% of survey takers from the South, the 45–64 age bracket, the $30–$50K income bracket, and white men agreed with the sentiment. 63% of rural folk also felt the same.

America has welcomed people from all corners of the world. Those who make this land their home have brought their faiths and customs, enriching the fabric of American society. Values such as love, compassion, respect, and kindness, which form the core of all religious faiths, encourage believers to share their good fortune and endeavor to uplift the downtrodden.

The spirit of love and goodwill fosters community, creating bonds among people of different backgrounds. The unifying values act as a counterbalance against differences in ideologies and politics. In this fragile, fractured world, shared values and faith in the Creator provide a common ground on which to promote peace and harmony.

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