Americans Want Taxpayer Funds Pulled From NPR For Becoming A 'Political Propaganda Machine', Daily Mail Poll Shows

Editor's note: This story by James Reinl, based on the Poll, appeared on the DailyMail website.

Voters by a wide margin seek action against National Public Radio (NPR) after a whistleblower last month came forward and accused the station of liberal-biased news coverage, a poll shows.

Fully 44 percent of respondents to a survey said the broadcaster should lose its taxpayer cashflows over its political leaning.

Another 26 percent of more than 1,400 US adults said it should keep its government support; and 31 percent said they were not sure.

NPR was rocked last month when one of its senior editors, Uri Berliner, accused his employer of overly woke news coverage, with a fixation on stories about race and identity.

Respondents by a wide margin no longer want to the foot the bill for NPR's 'biased' coverage
Berliner argued in his article that NPR has 'lost America's trust' because it was filled almost entirely by Democrats

In an open essay for The Free Press, the 25-year NPR veteran slammed it for being heavily dominated by Democrats, sidelining conservative voices, and for having 'lost America's trust.'

NPR devoted ample coverage to claims of then-president Donald Trump being a Russian asset, but held back on stories about Hunter Biden's laptop and the Covid lab leak theory, Berliner said.

Meanwhile, historic tweets from NPR's new chief executive Katherine Maher resurfaced, in which she embraced liberal causes, praised leading Democrats Black Lives Matter protestors and called Trump a 'racist.'

Berliner later resigned, saying he had faced criticism from Maher. 

Republicans reacted angrily to the revelations, saying they confirmed long-held fears about NPR.

Trump on social media called the broadcaster a 'LIBERAL DISINFORMATION MACHINE.'


NPR directly receives 1 percent of its budget from taxpayers — but gets many more times that indirectly through its local member stations, says the American Enterprise Institute, a center-right think tank.

NPR whistleblower editor Uri Berliner (pictured) exposed the network's liberal bias officially resigned after he was suspended by the outlets 'divisive' new CEO
Old tweets from NPR CEO Katherine Maher included a veiled shot at Trump branding him a 'deranged racist sociopath', and sharing her support for President Biden

New York Republican lawmaker Claudia Tenney distilled these concerns into a bill, the Defund NPR Act of 2024, which says no taxpayer dollars can be 'directly or indirectly' sent to the radio network.

The network had become a 'partisan propaganda machine,' Tenney said.

There are few signs that the bill could make it into law.   

The Oversight and Investigations subcommittee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee held a hearing on May 8 about alleged biases in the public broadcaster's coverage.

Our survey of 1,435 adults reveals widespread support for defunding NPR.

Men, people aged 65 and above, and adults aged under 25, are especially keen on cutting federal cashflows to the broadcaster.

Perhaps understandably, there is a strong partisan leaning — more than half of Republican voters want to cut NPR's funding, compared to just a third of Democrats.

The nationwide survey has a +/-2.7 percent error margin. It was carried out earlier this month by TIPP, which has been noted for the accuracy of its polls.


NPR Public Editor's tweet in 2020, days before the presidential election

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