Foreign Flags, Foreign Protestors

Illegal migrants have no standing to make loud demands of the American people. Their attitudes should convey incredible gratitude that this country – unique among nations – has shown such compassion over recent decades to people who do not belong here legally.

But instead of appreciation, a growing community of illegals, along with their radicalized American citizens allies, stage disorderly and even violent protests around the country. These rioters display a level of entitlement that will surely only drive sensible Americans even further to the political right regarding border security and deportations.

From coast to coast, riots erupted that featured the flags of foreign countries, defiantly waved right here on the soil of our beloved homeland. Mind you, these foreign flags are not hoisted to represent pride in someone’s ancestral home, such as Irish Americans might on St. Patrick’s Day, or Americans of Italian descent on Columbus Day. Rather, these lawbreakers arrogantly parade foreign flags as a show of force, as some of them attack cops and criminally trespass onto streets to block traffic.

Not surprisingly, some of the most obnoxious and dangerous riotous acts unfold in Los Angeles, home to legions of illegals and a plethora of leftist, open-borders politicians like Governor Gavin Newsom, Representative Nancy Pelosi, and former Vice-President Kamala Harris.

Closing down major transportation arteries like the 101 Freeway in California is, of course, a serious crime, one that should be punished severely. Blocking someone’s freedom to travel is a pre-meditated form of assault, as the rioters are physically restraining the movement of citizens. For some of these travelers, the obstruction becomes far more than simply an aggravation – people miss important appointments, arrive late for work, or even end up in life-threatening predicaments because of the selfish antics of rude foreigners.


Of course, these extremist foreigners garner a lot of attention, But, they hardly represent the prevailing sentiment of legal immigrant communities in America – nor do they reflect the beliefs of Hispanic citizens, by far the largest ethnic demographic in the United States.

In fact, in national polling conducted for my workers’ advocacy organization, the League of American Workers, a supermajority of Americans report that they strongly back President Trump’s new program to mass deport illegal aliens out of our republic. This poll sampled a voter universe nationwide with a Trump +1% spread, exactly in line with the November 5, 2024, vote, and was conducted by highly regarded survey firm TIPP Insights. By a large +18% margin, American citizens support mass deportation, 55-37%. Patriotic Hispanic citizens also support large-scale deportations, by a +6% margin.

When asked about national security, a stunning 80% of Americans believe that Biden’s “increase in illegal immigration” posses “at least a minor” national security threat. Nearly half, 47%, report that Biden’s policies pose a “critical” national security threat to our homeland.

Turning to economic issues and migration, by a +23% margin, Americans believe that America “brings in too many foreign laborers to work in the country,” 57-34%. Among hard-working Hispanics, that spread is even larger, at +25% of Latinos who want fewer foreign workers.

This post-election polling, of course, only reinforces the clear message of President Trump’s November win. The 47th President swept every swing state and won the popular vote in the most impressive Republican national victory since the 1980s – and he did it with immigration as his signature issue.

As such, these rioters are offending not just Trump, but the masses of American citizens who have every right to determine the rules and filters for entering into our home.

Using that analogy, if uninvited guests came to your home and you decided to accommodate them, would your willingness persist if they jumped on your kitchen table, started screaming and pledged to never leave?

Or would you then call the police and have them summarily removed?

Many of these activists would respond that they are, in fact, Americans. Some, like illegal immigrant journalist Jose Antonio Vargas, have created entire careers out of such double-speak, exemplified by his “Define American” group.

Well, Jose, the term “American” can be defined in precisely six words: a citizen of the United States. It is a legal term in a country where rights are defined by laws – not by force.

I am a citizen because I was born here, and I thank God daily for that good fortune. My father was a citizen because he immigrated here legally. This concept is not difficult to understand and is not up for debate.

Regarding Hispanic citizens, whether native-born or legally naturalized, they represent a treasure to this country. America so benefits from the culture, hard work, faith, and family ethos of 60 million Hispanics who call America home.

As a clear law-and-order constituency, we will be the first to demand that these foreign flag-waving malcontents be summarily punished for criminal activity, and that dangerous illegal migrants be humanely, but expeditiously, expelled from this country.

Steve Cortes was named to the White House Commission for Hispanic Prosperity. He is former senior advisor to President Trump and JD Vance, former commentator for Fox News and CNN, and president of the League of American Workers, a populist right pro-laborer advocacy group.

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