I&I/TIPP Poll: Media Gets Failing Grades Once Again For Coverage Of Major Issues, Divisiveness

No kid wants to come home with a report card that has more Ds and Fs than As and Bs. It usually means punishment: a ban on TV or video games, and lots more hard work. The Big Media have once again received flunking grades for their own subpar performance in covering the news. But if it bothers them, it sure doesn't show.

In February's I&I/TIPP Poll, we asked what responsibility the media bear for the nation's current high level of political and cultural polarization, a continuing theme in our own recent polls and outside studies.

Americans, to be blunt, are not feeling very charitable toward the media. The numbers are pretty shocking. Three-quarters (74%) believe the country is divided and only 21% think it is united.  According to the poll chart, 78% of those who believe the country is divided believe the media is "somewhat" or "very" to blame for the current polarization of American public discourse.  Only 17% said "not very" or "not at all."