Thanksgiving And The Transformative Power Of Gratitude

Thanksgiving And The Transformative Power Of Gratitude

Thanksgiving or expressing gratitude has been widely promoted as a necessary practice in modern life. There are reminders everywhere, every day, to say 'thank you' for the big and small blessings and fortunes in one's life. The benefits of being grateful and expressing gratitude are touted just as loudly.

Over the past decade or so, 'gratitude' has stepped out of the hallways of belief systems and the abodes of those pursuing 'holistic' lifestyles, becoming a part of most of our lives - and rightfully so!

Ancient wisdom and modern science now concur that consistently practicing gratitude fosters a sense of well-being and profoundly impacts one's physical and mental health and longevity. From deepening interpersonal bonds to reducing stress and boosting self-worth, an attitude of gratitude grants myriad benefits that even modern medicine has begun to acknowledge.

While the theory may sound wholesome and appealing, putting it into practice may initially seem difficult. For one, humans are saddled with the negativity bias. In most straightforward words, it is the human tendency to allow negative experiences, events, people, or things to have a bigger impact on us than positive or neutral ones. For instance, many of us dwell on that one thing that went wrong while losing sight of all that did go right. Furthermore, given the fast-paced, cut-throat world we live in, many of us do not even know what to be grateful for. Our problems overwhelm us, and we seem to be constantly running on a hamster wheel.

But the irrefutable fact is that the life we have been given is a gift. We don't know where we come from or where we are bound. Our time on this breathtakingly beautiful planet is finite. Celebrate it. Resolve to develop that special skill to spot something positive, happiness-inducing, or uplifting each day. Start small. Start from where you are, with what you have.

Despite our secluded, solitary lives and busy schedules, we are all interdependent. Our lives are made possible only by the hundreds of people, seen and unseen, that surround us. From family to the store clerk, numerous people touch our lives every single day.

A heartfelt thank you will create a ripple effect. Think it. Write it. Say it.

The effort will not be in vain. Expressing thanks will uplift both the one expressing it and the person receiving it – it is a win-win situation. And who knows? That one instance could make a person's day or encourage them to express gratitude for someone or something in their own life.

Back in the day, life was simpler, but times were more challenging. Our founding fathers knew the power of saying 'thank you', prompting the first President, George Washington, to proclaim the last Thursday of November as Thanksgiving Day.

More than two hundred years later, the secular, national holiday is celebrated with much zeal and joy. It is a celebration that marks every beautiful, bountiful thing in our lives. As we gather for another Thanksgiving, let’s give thanks for the family, friends, food, fun and the many blessings that make life worth celebrating. And may we continue to feel gratitude long after the feasting and festivities are done.  

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

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