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85% Favor More Initiatives To Counter Russia's And China's Vax Diplomacy

Most Americans want the United States to counter Russia's and China's vaccine diplomacy.

Vaccinating the world Drawing, A Syringe in the World

With over 40% of the country fully vaccinated, America is at a crossroads regarding its vaccine policy.

It’s a widely accepted fact that the pandemic has to be brought under control globally to be defeated. To achieve this, a concerted effort is needed from the rich and developed nations.

Countries like China and Russia have already donated millions of vaccine doses to less-developed nations around the world. So far, America has lagged in its vaccine diplomacy, but recent initiatives and announcements show that we are catching up fast.  A TIPP Poll conducted in late May probed the topic of vaccine diplomacy.

When asked, “How should the U.S. counter this influence?” and given the option to choose as many as they liked, the respondents gave a resounding answer.

A whopping majority, 85%, wants America to actively counter the influence and ground gained by countries like China and Russia. The split-up reads –

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