tippinsights site provides its readers with original, premium content on a wide range of relevant and unique topics, based on our famous TIPP Poll and surveys.
The TIPP Poll has been around for 30 years. We have conducted surveys on diverse topics and issues - from economic outlook to customer satisfaction, from concept testing to market trends - which are of deep interest to the layperson and the experts. The TIPP Poll has the much-coveted distinction as the most accurate poll of this century, being the only poll to accurately predict the winner of the last five U.S. presidential elections.
tippinsights articles will tell a story – often rooted in data. These statistics generated by comprehensive, statistically sound surveys convey what the average American thinks. We aim to provide objective information and thoughts. We stand for principles and policies – free-market capitalism, limited government, low taxes, and a strong national security agenda – and not by political parties.
tippinsights articles summarize insights and data collected by us, representing the public's sentiments on various matters from current affairs to the latest tech. They are authored by analysts, experts, industry leaders, and other contributors who bring a deep understanding of their domain to the topics at hand. Consequently, each article intends to fill the information gap with data-driven stories and other insights. When interpretation is needed, it will be labeled as such. We will even touch upon those uneasy topics that most tend to ignore or avoid.
tippinsights will have a marked focus on key areas such as
- Leadership and Governance
- The economy – current state, trends, and the future
- Current affairs – National and Global
- Consumer trends – changes brought about by the dynamics of the changing consumer behavior, disruptive technologies, and market forces
- Automotive industry
- Energy policy
- Health care
- Thought leadership
For Our Members
In the age of 24/7 news, timely and objective information are at a premium. With this in mind, our articles aim to be clear, concise, and relevant to ensure that your time and trust in us are rewarded.
In addition to data-based stories, tippinsights will also bring you unique perspectives from our correspondents and contributors from around the world. We will also include hard-hitting interviews with movers and shakers behind raging headlines. Articles by experts will shed light on specific topics that will be of immense value to our readers.
We immensely value your membership, and your contributions will help us fund our data collection and analysis. Our promise to you – we will strive hard to ensure that your return on investment far exceeds your expectations.
tipp insights Editorial Board
Bob Austin
For more than 40 years, Bob Austin was responsible for building & maintaining two of the most respected brand sold in North America, Volvo cars and Rolls-Royce Motor Cars. PR and Advertising are Bob's specialties.
Terry Jones
Terry Jones was part of Investor’s Business Daily from its inception in 1983, working in a variety of posts, including reporter, economics correspondent, National Issues editor, and economics editor. Most recently, from 1996 to 2019, he served as associate editor of the newspaper and deputy editor and editor of IBD’s Issues & Insights opinion pages. His many media appearances include spots on the Larry Kudlow, Bill O’Reilly, Dennis Miller, Dennis Prager, Michael Medved and Glenn Beck shows. He also served as Free Markets columnist for Townhall Magazine, and as a weekly guest on PJTV’s The Front Page. He holds both bachelor’s and master’s degrees from UCLA, and is an Abraham Lincoln Fellow at the Claremont Institute.
Anjali Krishnan
As a writer for over two decades, Anjali has contributed content to a regional paper for 25 years, associated with an international advertising agency, as well as worked with leading brands.
Raghavan Mayur
Raghavan Mayur directs the IBD/TIPP Poll, the most accurate poll of this century, being the only poll to accurately predict the winner of the last five U.S. presidential elections. He is also the Editor of the tippinsights.com website.
Politico profile
The Spectator profile
Investor's Business Daily Profile
Star-Ledger 2021 Article
Mark Pfeifle
Mark Pfeifle was deputy national security advisor for strategic communication and global outreach at the White House from 2007 to 2009. Mark was the lead interagency coordinator for communication implementation, leading the successful effort to promote the “surge” of U.S. forces into Iraq in 2007, initiatives to de-legitimize al Qaeda, stop Iran from enriching uranium, denuclearize North Korea and advocate for freedom, liberty and human rights for those suffering under brutal dictatorships. In the private sector, Mark led initiatives for National Sheriffs’ Association, U.S. Space Command, U.S. Homeland Security Department’s S&T Human Factor Division and U.S. Central Command. Pfeifle was awarded the US Army’s Outstanding Civilian Service Award for “dramatically improved communication planning and strategies...in support of the Global War on Terror” in 2009.
Rajkamal Rao
Rajkamal Rao is a columnist and a member of the tippinsights editorial board. He is an American entrepreneur and writes the WorldView column for the Hindu BusinessLine, India's second-largest financial newspaper, on the economy, politics, immigration, foreign affairs, and sports. Rao's full bio is available here.
Our Track Record
2020 Presidential Election
Fortune on 2020 election results
Washington Post on 2020 election results

2016 Presidential Election
The IBD/TIPP Poll was one of only two polls to predict President Trump's victory in 2016, as noted by Fox News. In fact, ours was the only national poll to show Trump ahead in a four-way race heading into Election Day 2016.
Media Comments on the IBD/TIPP Tracking Poll for Election 2016
"The gold standard going forward." — The Hill
"IBD/TIPP tracking poll was the only major national poll in November to give Trump the lead in a race including third-party candidates." — USA Today
"Investor's Business Daily was the best poll." — Bill O'Reilly, The O'Reilly Factor
"This will be the fourth presidential election in a row in which IBD/TIPP got it right." — Investor's Business Daily
"Mayur's firm Technometrica conducts the Investor's Business Daily Poll, which was rated the "most accurate" poll of the three prior elections. Make that four." — The Star-Ledger (NJ.com)
"Almost everybody got it wrong, except Mayur." — The Record (NorthJersey.com)
"IBD/TIPP Tracking turned out to be the most accurate pollster." — Mediaite

2012 Presidential Election
The IBD/TIPP Poll earned the distinction of the most accurate national presidential poll in the 2012 election from such news organizations as The New York Times and Investor's Business Daily.
The Little-Known Pollster That Bested All The Others — Bloomberg Businessweek
Which Polls Fared Best (and Worst) in the 2012 Presidential Race — The New York Times
Record After 2012 Vote Shows – Again – IBD/TIPP Poll Is Nation’s Best — Investor's Business Daily

2004 and 2008 Presidential Elections
In the 2004 presidential election, the IBD/TIPP Poll came closer than any other national poll to mirroring the actual popular vote margin. Meanwhile, our poll got the 2008 election precisely correct. An analysis of the polling results from Investor's Business Daily can be found here.