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Americans “United” That Suspects Should Comply With Officer Commands

Americans are "united" that suspects should comply with officer commands and not resist arrest when such commands are reasonable.

American Police officer issuing ticket

Whether they think the country is united or divided, Americans agree on one thing.  Suspects should comply with officer commands and cooperate, not resist arrest, when such commands are reasonable.  A whopping 83% of Americans think so in a TIPP Poll conducted in late April. While 57% agree strongly and another 26% agree somewhat.

The undercurrent of discord running through our society is reflected in the TIPP Poll. On the issue of unity, 65 percent believe the country is divided, compared to 29 percent who believe the country is united.

Among those who believe the country is united, 89 percent say that suspects should comply with officer commands, compared to 86 percent among those who think the country lacks unity.

Since there is nearly unanimous agreement, we look more closely at those who “agree strongly,” reflecting the intensity of support.

By party and ideology, the proportion of those who said "agree strongly" was as follows:

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