Should We Mask Kids Under 5 To Contain COVID? — I&I/TIPP Poll
The answer, probably not surprisingly to anyone, appears to depend heavily on a variety of factors, including where you live, your race, your gender and your political leanings.
Terry Jones is editor of Issues & Insights. Before that he served as editorial page editor for Investor’s Business Daily. A graduate of UCLA, he lives in Los Angeles.
The answer, probably not surprisingly to anyone, appears to depend heavily on a variety of factors, including where you live, your race, your gender and your political leanings.
Still-fearful Americans skeptical over government's anti-COVID actions.
Due to dwindling supplies, diesel fuel prices are up 50% from last year, raising the cost of food, transportation, manufactured goods, and even gifts.
However, most Americans believe that the COVID restrictions, though draconian and painful, were "necessary" rather than "unnecessary."
Accountability is essential for navigating the future successfully.
Key issues like abortion, immigration, crime, taxes, the size of government, education, free speech, the war between Russia and Ukraine, and climate change divide Americans.
Americans are tired of the way things are and want big changes.
Many independents will decide in the coming days.
Immigration and border security are on the minds of the American people, and they are important issues in the upcoming midterm elections.
Recent moves by the Justice Department and FBI have many Americans worried over political bias in the legal system.
The FBI raid didn't affect midterms or Trump's 2024 bid.
Another political miscalculation by Team Biden.
Most Americans think President Biden's rhetoric is divisive, threatens free speech, and misuses his office.
Many Americans, mostly in the center and right, believe they are treated unfairly by the media and the law.