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GORDON CHANG: ‘We Cannot Allow China To Take Over Any Democracy, Especially One As Important As Taiwan’ - Video

Jon Scott of Fox News interviewed Gordon Chang, a Gatestone Institute senior fellow, about the importance of Taiwan to the United States on Saturday, April 8.


JON SCOTT: “Why is Taiwan important to the United States, Gordon? Why is it worth defending?”
GORDON CHANG: “First of all, after the catastrophic withdrawal from Afghanistan and the failure to deter Russia in Ukraine, Taiwan has become the test of American credibility unresolved. Our allies have been disheartened and angered, and we cannot afford to do that again. But we have got to remember, Jon, Taiwan is met the center of the Western defense perimeter since the 1800s. We cannot allow China to take over any democracy, especially one as important as Taiwan. And we are going to help build China at some point. It’s much, but it’s a deal that over there than on our own soil.”

