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Secretary Haaland Unaware Of China's Dominance In Key EV Minerals, Raises US Dependence Concerns - Video

Department of the Interior, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

In a congressional hearing on Monday, Secretary of Interior Deb Haaland said she was unaware that China controls the critical minerals needed for electric vehicles.

Video: Secretary Haaland Unaware Of China's Dominance In Key EV Minerals, Raises US Dependence Concerns

Here's the transcript of the exchange between Senator Hawley and Secretary Haaland.

HAWLEY: “On the subject of the sweeping mandates related to electric vehicles that the Biden Administration has imposed, including now for our military, the metals needed to make the lithium-ion batteries in those vehicles are of course lithium, nickel, graphite, and cobalt. Now, can you tell me what nation is the largest producer of refined lithium in the world?”

HAALAND: “No, I can’t.”

HAWLEY: “It’s China. Can you tell me which nation is the largest producer of refined cobalt in the world?”

HAALAND: “No, senator.”

HAWLEY: “It’s China. Do you know what nation is the largest exporter of natural graphite to the United States globally?”

HAALAND: “No, senator.”

HAWLEY: “It’s China.”


HAWLEY: “So in all of these instances, these mandates, your decision to trade off our energy security in favor of a radical climate change agenda is making us more and more dependent on China, and at the same time, you are denying mining, blocking mining, blocking permits for mines in this country that would allow us to develop nickel and copper and cobalt. Why? Why block the development of these resources in our own nation in favor of making us dependent on China?”

HAALAND: “Senator, are you referring to the Boundary Waters?”

HAWLEY: “I’m referring to the to the twin metals mine in Minnesota. I think that Senator Barrasso just asking about it.”

HAALAND: “Yes, near the Boundary Waters, which is iconic place and of course, a very valuable ecological system to many plants, animal —”

