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I&I/TIPP Poll: Americans Don't Agree Biden Supreme Court Pick Must Be One Gender, One Race

American views on the upcoming nomination.

U.S. Supreme Court

With the planned retirement of Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer, President Joe Biden will soon get a chance to name a replacement. Biden has vowed his choice will be an African-American woman. Do Americans support making race and gender the main basis for selection?

The answer is "no."

Specifically, I&I/TIPP asked Americans the following: "With the retirement of Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer, President Biden will soon get to select a replacement. How important is it that President Biden choose a Black woman?"

By 47% to 43%, a plurality of Americans said those criteria were "not important." Of those, 30% said they were "not at all important," making that the largest response of all. Another 18% said it was "not very important." And 10% said they were not sure.

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