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I&I/TIPP Poll: Most Independents Oppose Biden’s Massive Spending Plan

Is President Biden in a no-win situation?

President Joe Biden of the United States and Nancy Pelosi

As Democrats scramble to rescue their massive spending bill amid internal divisions between moderates in the party and the far left, they are getting little support outside their own base, according to the latest I&I/TIPP poll.

Over the weekend, President Joe Biden had to contend with not getting his bi-partisan $1.1 trillion infrastructure plan passed through the Democratically controlled House without having a vote on the $3.5 trillion spending plan. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi had to scuttle plans for a vote on the $1.1 trillion infrastructure plan after far-left members of her caucus said they’d vote against that bill if they didn’t pass the larger one first.

Now some Democrats are all but conceding that they don’t have the votes for a spending package of that magnitude. How this all plays out is anyone’s guess at this moment.

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