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More Americans Oppose Than Support Repealing Title 42: Golden/TIPP Poll

Biden administration’s plans to repeal Title 42 without an alternate plan could lead to chaos at America’s southern border.

Credit: U.S. Customs And Border Patrol, Wikimedia Commons

More Americans (43%) oppose ending Title 42, while 39% support the move. The opinion divides along party and ideological lines. That's the key finding of a Golden/TIPP survey of 1,305 adults nationwide conducted in early April.

What Is Title 42?

Title 42 comes from a 1944 public health law that aims to avert the spread of infectious diseases. Starting in March 2020, amid the pandemic, the Trump administration used the law to send back migrants arriving at the southern border. The Biden administration continued the practice. In all, 2 million migrants returned under Title 42.

Since the pandemic is ending, the Biden administration wants to end Title 42 and accept migrants starting May 23. Such a move would attract a flood of migrants at the southern border. The government estimates that each day 18,000 migrants would arrive at the border. The administration lacks a solid plan for handling the anticipated surge. Some believe that ending Title 42 would lead to unimaginable chaos.

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