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President Biden's Lackluster Leadership

Performance And Leadership

PResident Joe Biden

President Biden's ratings continue to be on life support.

The numbers recovered somewhat in December, thanks largely to Democrats coming to his rescue. His handling of key issues leaves much to be desired.

The IBD/TIPP Presidential Leadership Index, a compact measure of the President's performance, rebounded from 46.0 in November to 49.6 in December, a gain of 7.8%.  The increase followed a sharp decline in November when the index had dropped a whopping 9.8%.

The Leadership Index by party reads:

  • 82.4 for Democrats,
  • 14.3 for Republicans, and
  • 36.6 for Independents

The Leadership Index increased by 1.3 points, or 3.7%, among independents. Among Republicans, it fell by 1.9 points, or 11.7%, while Democrats gained 4.4 points or 5.6%.

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