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A few months back, stories of “suspicious” fires at food-production plants raged across the media. The narrative said the sites were being sabotaged to disrupt the food supply. And it was most likely wrong. But that doesn’t mean there is no effort on the part of Western elites to put the peasants on a strict diet.

Most by now have seen reports that Dutch officials are closing as many as 3,000 farms in the Netherlands, the world’s second-largest exporter of agricultural products by value even though it’s only slightly larger than Maryland, to comply with crackpot European Union carbon dioxide emissions rules. It’s possible that eventually more than 11,000 farms will be shut down, and 17,600 forced to sharply cut their livestock numbers.

On our side of the Atlantic, the malefactors are also busy. Just the News is reporting that the Environmental Protection Agency is quietly quadrupling the regulatory cost of carbon emissions in a new war on fossil fuels, which is, of course, also a war on the food supply.

“If you think about the fact that they would impose this damage factor, let’s say on farmers, because it applies to fertilizer,” Louisiana Solicitor General Liz Murill said on the John Solomon Reports podcast. “Fertilizer emits nitrous oxide. So fertilizer is a big contributor. If every family farmer now is going to have to pay more to obtain fertilizer to fertilize crops that feed us, well, what’s that going to do to the price of food?”

Are these mere coincidences, entirely unrelated, isolated events?

Could be. But …

  • U.S. farmers are convinced that “government meddling threatens their livelihoods and the nation’s food security.”
  • “Unrealistic green-energy policies in Europe – and the Biden administration’s hostility to U.S. energy production – are worsening energy shortages,” writes James Meigs in City Journal “With energy prices soaring, food production and distribution will suffer.”
  • Global skunks are promoting bugs as an alternative to the foods we enjoy, which is an implicit way of saying “you can eat insects, as unpalatable as they are, or you can go hungry – it’s almost time to choose.”
  • The White House has added agricultural land to the federal Conservation Reserve Program, encouraging farmers to leave their land fallow. It’s part, says essayist John Mac Ghlionn, writing in the Washington Times, “of a broader, government-wide push to halve greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. Interestingly, the Biden administration’s goal is very similar to the Dutch government’s goal.”
  • Canadian boy Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has proposed rules that will “decimate Canadian farming.”
  • “Even as food shortages intensify, governments, including the Biden administration, are cracking down harder on agricultural production,” the Epoch Times reports. “While the attacks on agriculture and related industries look different in different nations, many experts say it’s a coordinated global policy being promoted by the U.N., the World Economic Forum (WEF), the European Union, and other international forces determined to transform civilization.”
  • “The Biden administration has engaged in an omni-directional assault on our food production system,” says the Heartland Institute.

As it turns out, all this is happening at the same time “the number of people affected by hunger has more than doubled in the past three years”, according to the United Nations, as “almost a million people are living in famine conditions, with starvation and death a daily reality.”

Which must tickle the innards of the coat-and-tie savages at the World Economic Forum, a truly vile organization that has made no secret of its concerns over a growing global population, and issued a warning earlier this year that “degrowth,” the shrinking rather than growing of economies, “might mean people in rich countries changing their diets, living in smaller houses and driving and traveling less.”

If only the WEF were some fringe group that had no influence. But it’s not – it’s a well-funded syndicate with an axis of powerful followers.

Is it possible, as unthinkable, conspiratorial and overwrought as it sounds, that the elites want to thin the global population through man-made famine? Groups do exist, and have for decades, for the sole objective of reversing the world’s population growth. They have been treated by politicians and the media as well-meaning organizations that have a valid point.

So far, they’ve done no damage. However, they’re now in a strong position to move beyond their rhetoric. Strong ties with like-minded thinkers that have money and a heavyweight political punch makes them dangerous.

— Written by the I&I Editorial Board

