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Trump: Macron Is ‘Kissing’ China’s A**: Video


Former President Donald Trump sat down with Fox News's Tucker Carlson to discuss foreign policy yesterday, April 12, 2023. Trump said, "Macron, who is a friend of mine, is over with China, kissing his ass, okay, in China. I said, ‘France is now going to China?"

Trump: Macron Is ‘Kissing’ China’s A**

TRUMP: “He (Kim Jong-un) wouldn’t talk to Obama. Obama tried to get meetings with him, he wouldn’t meet with him. He met with me. I met with him twice. I would have had a deal worked out with him. He’s got tremendous nuclear capability. It’s the single biggest problem. Maybe this show is more important than even I thought it might be, because somebody has to understand what has to happen and they have to deescalate.”

CARLSON: “So how would you do that now?”

TRUMP: “Now you have a problem. You have this crazy world that’s blown up and the United States has absolutely no say and Macron, who is a friend of mine, is over with China, kissing his ass, okay, in China. I said, ‘France is now going to China?’ You take a look at Saudi Arabia, look at what happened. They’re great people. They wanted to help us. He goes over there, he gets a fist bump. You know what a fist bump means? ‘Don’t shake my hand because your hand is dirty!’ That’s what a fist bump is. They were so insulted. You understand that?”


TRUMP: “‘Oh, I don’t want to shake your hand. Let’s go fist-bump.’”

