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Will Biden Even Finish His 1st Term? One In Five Say 'No' — I&I/TIPP Poll

Vice President Kamala Harris: Not ready for prime time?

Credit: The White House

Just 45% Have Confidence In VP Harris As Commander in Chief

As President Biden's approval rates continue to plumb new depths, even some members of his own Democratic Party have begun to ask the once unthinkable: Will Joe Biden last through his first term in office?

Such a question might have seemed a bit over the top, as Biden only entered office in January of 2021. But, after a year of record inflation and gasoline price hikes, devastating COVID lockdowns, a surge of illegal immigration, the botched departure from Afghanistan, and growing questions over the 79-year-old president's mental fitness, a surprising number of Americans now think Biden won't last even another two and a half years in office, according to the latest I&I/TIPP Poll.

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