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Will Hunter Biden Scandal Further Erode Americans' Trust In Media? — I&I/TIPP Poll

Major media face renewed challenges to their fairness after ignoring the Biden family scandal for two years.

Wikimedia Commons, Jeff Maurone from Seattle, WA, USA

First, the good news: Public opinion of both the Traditional Media and the Alternative Media rebounded slightly in March. Now the bad news: Despite the slight gain, the media failed to arrest their slide in public opinion over the last year, data from the March I&I/TIPP Poll show.

Even worse news for the media comes as both The New York Times and Washington Post admitted in recent days that they failed for two years to cover signs of possible influence peddling by President Biden’s son Hunter, as revealed on Hunter’s lost laptop. It’s a major PR disaster for both outlets and for the mainstream media in general.

Will the public be forgiving? Or will the media’s long decline in public trust resume after March’s uptick?

First, some numbers. Each month, I&I/TIPP asks Americans two questions about the major media:

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