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Democrats Masquerade As Democracy’s Defenders While Systematically Dismantling It

Never Mind the Recent Coup, the Weaponization of Lawfare, or the Disregard for Free Speech

Campaigning at a town hall on Monday, Vice President Kamala Harris returned to the theme of globalism as a direct challenge to former President Trump’s MAGA movement. She was in a friendly setting again, promoting the Uniparty's NeoCon vision for America's standing in the world that did not permit audience questions - and allowed only pre-determined questions that presumably had been shared with Harris prior to the event. 

So I've now, as Vice President, met over 150 world leaders, presidents, prime ministers, chancellors, and kings; many of them multiple times to the point where we are on first name terms. And the last few times I've seen them on the eve of this election, they are very concerned, our allies [about former President Trump returning to the White House]. 
Because, as you know, when we walk in those rooms around the world representing the United States of America, we have traditionally been able to walk in those rooms chin up, shoulders back, with the self-appointed and earned authority to talk about the importance of democracies and the rule of law. 
But as all the role models here know, as a role model, people watch what you do to see if it lines up with what you say. People around the world are watching this. And I tell you, sometimes I do fret a bit about whether we, as Americans, truly understand how important we are to the world.

It was downright absurd for Harris to inject the needs of foreign leaders into an American presidential election. Harris was saying that Americans should vote for her because she would protect the interests of foreign allies. If a foreigner had engaged in a campaign to influence a federal election, they would have violated the Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) or the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA).

Even if one were to allow this absurdity, the problem with Harris's assertion is that not all allies agree with America's role in the world, especially during the Biden-Harris administration. Washington NeoCons have stressed war as the only approach to solving a regional conflict, spending more than $200 billion to expand America's Military-Industrial-Complex to help defend Ukraine's territorial sovereignty. In the process, the administration has passed up numerous chances to bring about a diplomatic solution in Ukraine. For many people around the world, stopping needless death, injury, destruction, and forced resettlement of millions is far more critical than prolonging a war. 

Almost as though to counter America's controversial roles in Ukraine and Israel, leaders of the BRICS countries—from Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa—gathered in Kazan, Russia, for their annual meeting as Harris was speaking. These five countries alone account for 45% of the world's population and 35% of the global economy, a higher share of the world's GDP than either the United States or Europe. At least 15 other nations are attending, including Iran, Egypt, Ethiopia, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Azerbaijan, and Malaysia. Turkey, a NATO member since the 1950s, is fed up with Western leadership in Europe and wants to join the alliance. 

Harris's comments about "the importance of democracies and the rule of law" fall flat as people around the world are shocked at how the Democrats have ignored the rule of law whenever doing so helped them. Her party went through a rigorous four-month primary campaign and elected President Biden to be its nominee by a 98%-2% vote (during which legitimate opposition from political opponents such as RFJ Jr. and Deal Phillips was suppressed). 

In fewer than three weeks after Biden clinched the nomination, there was significant pressure from party leaders to depose him from his perch. When Biden protested the move and tried to hold on, a cabal of leaders led by Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer threatened him with invoking the 25th Amendment, with full support from Harris. Biden finally relented and threw his support behind Harris (who has never won a single vote in a contested primary) but insisted that he would serve out his term. Is this the rule of law that foreign countries respect? Only in autocracies is the leader replaced by someone else overnight, not in a democracy. 

Her line about the importance of democracies also fell flat. Even among foreigners who may have been critical of Trump's actions on January 6, the second impeachment was appropriate. According to the United States Constitution, a political act of conduct unbecoming the president had a political remedy. When the Senate acquitted Trump, it brought full closure. 

But for the Democrats, the cycle of punishment was beginning. Aided by Never-Trumper Liz Cheney, the House launched into a nearly 20-month investigation with no opposition members on the panel and with all election integrity issues that were the root cause of the demonstrations off limits. Is this democratic? 

In November 2022, President Biden told the press, "We just have to demonstrate that [Trump] will not take power if he does run, making sure he—under legitimate efforts of our Constitution—does not become the next president again." Is this democratic? Aren't the people supposed to decide who they want for their leader? 

Nine days later, Biden's Attorney General appointed Jack Smith as a Special Counsel to pursue Trump. Smith took on this charge with absolute glee, charging Trump in 34 federal criminal cases, backed by the full force and power of the Department of Justice. Is waging lawfare against a political opponent democratic? 

Campaigning in New Hampshire on Tuesday, President Biden again expressed his distaste for Trump. "This is a guy who also wants to replace every civil servant. Every single one thinks he has a right of the Supreme Court ruling on immunity to be able, if need be, if we, if it was the case, to actually eliminate, physically eliminate, shoot, kill someone who he believes to be a threat to him. I mean, so I know this sounds bizarre... We gotta lock him up."

 "Gotta lock him up" - this sounds democratic to people around the world

People around the world are indeed watching in horror how far America, the beacon of democracy, has fallen under Biden-Harris.

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