China is a leading geopolitical competitor of the United States. As China's strength increases, it must comply with high standards of human rights and treatment of other Asian and global nations. We will provide our readers with American perspectives on trade, intellectual property, and technology transfer between the two countries.
China Spreads Its Soft Power To Honduras
China demonstrates its soft power by brokering the Saudi Arabia-Iran deal, luring Honduras away from Taiwan, and encouraging the Solomon Islands to open.
Has Trump Won The Debate Over Free Trade In The U.S.? I&I/TIPP Poll
Americans favor new tariffs on foreign goods, strict China trade and investment controls, and tax cuts for American workers and businesses.
Xi's Win-Win-Win Visit To Moscow
Xi positions China to become a counterweight to the West, regardless of the outcome of the Russia-Ukraine conflict.
Little Hope China-Russia Mutual Admiration Will Bring Peace
China has yet to denounce Russia's aggression.
6 Key Insights From Virus Origin Hearings
Getting to the bottom of the origin of the COVID-19 virus is critical, and the House hearings are a step in the right direction.
Xi Jinping Consolidates Power And Leads China His Way
The key takeaways from China's annual political gathering, which elected Xi Jinping as President for Life.
Will China-Brokered Iran-Saudi Arabia Deal Boost Regional Stability?
China is rejoicing in its role as peacemaker and diplomatic negotiator, a striking departure from its previous reputation as a bellicose aggressor.
52% Of Americans Think Covid-19 Came From A Lab
Recent FBI and Energy Department reports aided in pushing the needle above 50%.