TIPP Poll data on Americans' perception of the economy is the foundation for this section. Topics covered include U.S. consumer confidence, consumer sentiment, job market, economic growth, recession, financial stress, economic outlook, personal financial outlook, federal economic policies. We also cover trade, taxes, and debt. Our TIPP economic optimism index, financial stress index, job sensitivity metrics, and other polling on current economic issues drive the discussions.

This Is a Slow-Motion Nationalization of the Economy
Slowly depleting the middle class’s savings due to consistently declining real wages, the government expands its influence in the economy, garnering support from a substantial portion of the populace.

You Can Kiss New Medical Cures Goodbye
The misnamed Biden-Harris Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) poses a real threat to new drug development. The law essentially imposes price controls on some of the most popular drugs in the Medicare program.

American Labor Activism
Dockworkers who went on strike on October 1 are just the latest union to echo demands for better contracts. At least 250 strikes and other labor actions have been recorded so far this year.

BOR RUBIN: Time For An Honest Government That Acknowledges The Reality Of Economic Hardship
Washington may be manipulating economic data to present a more favorable picture of the U.S. economy than the reality on the ground.

Tale of Two Universes: Joy Warrior Kamala's 'Ambitions-Aspirations-Dreams' Hype Vs. America’s Paycheck-To-Paycheck Reality
While America Bitterly Weeps Under the Weight of Harris's Economic Failures