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Time To Upset The Apple Cart?

Tech companies have grown to such proportions that many behave like monopolies. We look at how Americans feel about this development and what is likely in store for the tech giants starting with Apple, Inc.

TIm Cook Of Apple

A handful of companies hold the lion’s share of the market when it comes to certain technologies. As governments across the globe scamper to moderate their monopolistic tendencies and draft new regulations for fair practices, we found that the American people are well aware of the issue and have strong opinions on the subject.

In a TIPP Poll conducted in April, we asked whether Americans supported or opposed the breaking up of the four Big Tech companies to prevent them from becoming a potential monopoly.

Fifty percent and more said they supported the move.

When it comes to the ‘Apple’ of the tech world, half were in favor of breaking up the company to prevent it from becoming a monopoly. Almost a third, 30%, were opposed to the move, and the rest were not sure.

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