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Public Worried About Cyber Attacks

Mark Pfeifle, a cybersecurity expert, discusses the results of a recent TIPP Poll on the subject as well as steps to improve cybersecurity.

Cyber Security Image

Eight out of ten Americans are concerned about cyber attacks and cybercrimes in the U.S.

53% think the situation surrounding cyber-attacks and cybercrimes in the U.S. has gotten worse in the past year.  The results are from a TIPP Poll of 1,261 Americans conducted in late January.

The Big Picture

A ransomware attack on a critical U.S. pipeline network disrupted fuel supplies on the East Coast. A ransomware attack is a cyber-attack that encrypts the victim's files and demands a ransom to decrypt the files.  If the victim does not pay the ransom, the hackers threaten to leak the data.

Colonial Pipeline Company, which transports roughly 45 percent of all gasoline and diesel consumed on the east coast, was forced to halt operations last week due to the attack. Cyber-attacks, and the halt in building the Keystone XL pipeline, have brought additional challenges to the supply line resulting in long lines at many gas stations and higher prices at the pumps for consumers.

The federal government must improve its cyber warfare techniques, training, proactive and reactive capabilities, and coordination with the private sector, or else such activities from bad actors will continue to harm our economy and our national security.

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