tippinsights and the TIPP poll regularly gauge foreign policies coming out from Washington D.C.
McCarthy Should Not Meet The Taiwanese President
Taiwan already has the support of the United States, so it's unnecessary to further strain the relationship between the U.S. and China by trying to strengthen it even more.
Escalating Russia-Ukraine Conflict Sparks Nuclear War Anxiety In Americans: Golden/TIPP
73% fear the conflict may deteriorate into a nuclear war.
Biden's Woke Values-Driven Foreign Policy Is Weakening America
Large swaths of the world's population have been demoted because they do not share Biden's worldview.
Nuclear Threat Escalation In Ukraine War
The latest escalation might take the Ukraine War nuclear, which the world has feared for months.
Global Citizen Protests Are A Warning To Biden
Europeans have taken to the streets because the macroeconomic and war policies in the West are hurting their wallets and lowering their standard of living.
China Spreads Its Soft Power To Honduras
China demonstrates its soft power by brokering the Saudi Arabia-Iran deal, luring Honduras away from Taiwan, and encouraging the Solomon Islands to open.
Has Trump Won The Debate Over Free Trade In The U.S.? I&I/TIPP Poll
Americans favor new tariffs on foreign goods, strict China trade and investment controls, and tax cuts for American workers and businesses.
Xi's Win-Win-Win Visit To Moscow
Xi positions China to become a counterweight to the West, regardless of the outcome of the Russia-Ukraine conflict.
ICC Warrant Against Putin – A Paper Tiger, At Best
President Putin's war may lose popularity due to the reported kidnapping of children.