TIPP Poll data on Americans' perception of the economy is the foundation for this section. Topics covered include U.S. consumer confidence, consumer sentiment, job market, economic growth, recession, financial stress, economic outlook, personal financial outlook, federal economic policies. We also cover trade, taxes, and debt. Our TIPP economic optimism index, financial stress index, job sensitivity metrics, and other polling on current economic issues drive the discussions.

Americans Make Huge Sacrifices As Bidenflation Rises To 12.8%
But President Biden says, "Our economy is strong as hell."

Nobel Prize Economics Winners 2022
Former Federal Reserve chief Ben Bernanke and Douglas Diamond and Philip Dybvig have won the 2022 Nobel Economics Prize “for research on banks and financial crises,” the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has said.

Biden Pursues Venezuela After Saudi Rebuff
The Biden administration is still looking for 'alternate' sources of oil after OPEC+ decided to cut production. Venezuela could benefit from their desperate search.