The tippinsights opinion section reflects articles where our individual authors or individual groups (from anywhere on the political spectrum) utilize our data to make compelling arguments.

One Year Later: Peace Remains Elusive In The Middle East
The Path Forward Is Shrouded in Darkness

First Hint Of Energy Squeeze As Big Tech Drops The Wind And Solar Purity, And Launches Into Nuclear
The AI boom has left technology companies scrambling for low-carbon sources of energy to power their data centers.

The “As I Was Saying” President
Trump’s Rally Fires Up His 2024 Fight, Reminding Voters of the July Assassination Attempt

Mr. Biden Goes To Washington (And The White House Press Room)
He commands attention while Harris’s campaign struggles to keep pace

Despite What Biden-Harris Say, Price-Controlled Drugs Are Awful News For Seniors
Our seniors deserve a healthcare system that prioritizes their needs over middlemen’s profits — not a raw deal masquerading as reform.