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Anjali Krishnan

As a writer for over two decades, I have contributed content to a regional paper for 25 years, associated with an international advertising agency, as well as work with brands.

Taipei Taiwan

Backgrounder: China-Taiwan

This article discusses how Americans feel about China's treatment of Taiwan. It also discusses why the China-Taiwan relationship is important and provides a thorough background on the subject.

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Great Wall of China

Americans' Take On China

In the first part of a multi-part series on China, we present a general background on China, the American opinion on China, and whether Americans see China as an ally or an enemy.

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Gaming Convention

Gaming Goes Altruistic

While the jury is still out on the overall impact of gaming on society, TechnoMetrica’s survey shows some interesting trends that are likely to have significant and positive effects on the gaming industry’s image in the years to come.

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Two children playing video games

Gaming – Coping While Cooped Up

While the COVID pandemic has put paid to a bulk of our plans and forced changes in the way we work and socialize, there’s one activity that has remained undisturbed - gaming

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